At OIAMFS, the whole school vision is to raise the aspirations of all students, despite the social and economic barriers some may face. The most significant way to do this is by offering a high-quality PSHE curriculum, which allows students to hold informed conversations about the world, within a safe environment. This discussion contributes not only to students’ personal development (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) but also to community cohesion. An effective PSHE education can also lead to good behaviour and the safety of all students, both in and outside of school.
The three main aims of the PSHE curriculum are:
- To teach a broad and rich curriculum which develops students’ understanding of the different impacts that health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world have on individuals and communities.
- To support students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in an emotionally safe and secure environment.
- To prepare students at OIAMFS for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in the future.