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Expectations / Equipment

All students are expected to: 

  • Wear the correct uniform  
  • Arrive at school and to lessons on time and fully prepared for learning
  • Turn off their mobile phone when they arrive at school and leave it in their school bag until they leave at the end of the school day
  • Bring the correct equipment to all lessons  
  • Conduct themselves around the School and in lessons, in a safe, sensible and respectful manner 
  • Comply with instructions given by staff. First Time. Every Time.
  • Complete classwork and homework to their best standard, demonstrating a commitment to excellence 
  •  Hand in homework on time 
  •  Report any unacceptable behaviour 
  •  Demonstrate an understanding of compassion and model it throughout all activities which involve others both locally and globally
  • Practice acts of integrity both in school and in the wider community knowing that even if no one else sees or knows - you have chosen to make the right choice
  • Be honest in all that you do - both in school and in the wider community and encourage others to follow your example
  • Take care of the School and wider environment by respecting school property and resources including, putting litter in a bin. Do all you can to be proud of your school
  • Strive for excellence in all that they do as a member of the school community or in their wider communities
  • Take the most direct route home  
  • Take care crossing roads and when riding bicycles 

As we are trying to prepare our young people for the world of work, it is important that students arrive at school, as they would in employment, with the correct equipment and ready to work hard, learn and develop a pro-active approach.

The equipment every student must have with them: 

Clear Water Bottle

1 Pencil

Glue Stick

1 Eraser

Headphones (small in-ear type)

Apron for Food Tech

2 Pens (either black or blue)

Pencil Sharpener


1 Pen (red)

1 Ruler

Clear Pencil Case

Scientific Calculator

Casio fx-83GT or Casio fx-85

Hair Ties (if hair past shoulder length)


For September, One In A Million Free School have invested in a personalised Planner. Each child will be given one free of charge. The Planners are an important piece of equipment to support your child and a means of communication between home and school. You will be asked to check the Planner regularly. If your child loses their Planner they will be required to buy a replacement at a cost of £5.00.


All students are allocated a school locker to store their mobile phone etc as these are not to be kept on their person during the school day and you will need to purchase and bring in a padlock for this.


Click here to visit the school uniform page.

PE Kit:      

The compulsory PE Kit consists of:

  • A black PE T-shirt/Polo shirt with the school logo
  • Black shorts with the school logo OR black sports leggings with the school logo
  • Black hoodie/PE training top with the school logo
  • Black sport socks
  • Trainers (any colour) – pumps/plimsols are not acceptable
  • Optional item: Tracksuit bottoms with the school logo


One In A Million Free School has considered its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 not to discriminate unlawfully on the grounds of disability, ethnicity, gender, sex or religion or sexual orientation. Racial, cultural and religious needs accommodated within the genera; policy are given below.

  • Muslim females who choose to wear a head covering are permitted to do so, but it must be plain black snood style available from the uniform supplier. The wearing of a Niqab is not allowed.
  • Jewish males may wear a black kippah and Sikhs may wear a black turban.