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This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Mission Statement

At One In A Million Free School, we are committed to ensuring all students receive the appropriate level of Information, Advice and Guidance to enable them to make well informed and realistic decisions about their future next steps in terms of education and careers.


One In A Million Free School believes that students should be appropriately prepared for the choices they make during their education and the choices they make in the future. Students should have an understanding of how their education will prepare them for the world of work. Students should feel confident in making key decisions about educational and career choices and have a clear understanding of the routes to achieve their goal.

This preparation should be achieved through a variety of means such as impartial and independent one to ones with a qualified Careers Advisor, careers resources purchased by the School, a whole school Careers Programme, Assemblies and Open Days at local colleges and Universities.

Student Entitlement

In response to the updated requirements and expectations of school published by the DfE in January 2023, below is a link to our Provider Access Statement providing information on all the events and further opportunities available for education and training providers to access all pupils in year 8 to year 11 to provide them with information around qualifications (including technical education), employment or apprenticeships.  ​​

Management of Provider Access Requests Procedure

A provider wishing to request access should contact:

Opportunities for Access

As soon as our students join us at One In A Million Free School, we encourage them to start thinking about their future. Through our PSHCE programme, students begin to explore different career pathways and the world of work.

Key Stage 3

Summary of Key Stage 3​

  • Self-Awareness/Self-Determination/Self-Improvement
  • PSHE exploring careers in the ‘Living in the wider world’ unit
  • Subject curriculum links throughout the year
  • Autumn Term Enterprise Activities and Competition
  • Careers assemblies
  • Career pathways linked to National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week
  • Apprenticeship Assembly
  • Bradford Manufacturing Week
  • CV preparation
  • Careers Fair
  • Access to a Careers advisor

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, we continue to build on the foundations established through Year 7 – 9 and our focus becomes more personalised for our students as they progress through to Post-16 Studies, Apprenticeships of Employment with training.

Our Careers Co-ordinator works closely with students, making sure they are aware of all their options and are making informed decisions about their future. This is carefully balanced with building students' character skills as they prepare for interviews and life beyond school.

Summary of Key Stage 4

  • Self-Awareness/Self-Determination/Self-Improvement
  • PSHE exploring careers in the ‘Living in the wider world’ unit Subject curriculum links explicit throughout the year
  • Autumn Term Enterprise Activities and Competition
  • Careers assemblies
  • Career pathways linked to National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week
  • Apprenticeship Assembly
  • Bradford Manufacturing Week
  • Experiences of work visits
  • Careers guidance
  • CV/Personal statement preparation
  • Interview Preparations
  • Careers Fair
  • 1 – 1 interview with an impartial careers advisor
  • Access to information about other options post 16
  • Next Steps Assemblies from local Post 16 Providers
  • Opportunity to visit college open days and taster days
  • Assemblies focused on apprenticeships and LMI
  • Mentoring with Senior Leadership Team
  • Applications to colleges, apprenticeships, sixth forms and T-Levels

Services for Parents:

There are various services available to parents throughout each year. Below is a list of provision:​

  • ​Information on Parents Evening (Y9, Y10 and Y11)
  • Options Open Evening for Year 9
  • Links to websites offering careers support
  • Booklet for Y11 parents explaining careers guidance in Y11 and post-16 choices.
  • ​Appointments available with our Careers Co-ordinator (Miss Mahfooz)

Services for Staff: 

To ensure the school delivers a valuable careers programme to all students, it is imperative that all staff are informed of changes to the local labour market.

Y11 form tutors are provided with careers guidance, including Open Day information, college application support and guidance on how to book 1:1 appointments with our Careers Co-ordinator.

Careers Links:

Further Education:

Higher Education:


Labour Market Information:

Other Careers Services:


The school also has partnerships and has arranged speakers or visits with the following organisations:

  • Ahead Partnership
  • University of Bradford
  • Bradford College
  • Bradford NEW College
  • Leeds College of Building
  • Bradford Apprenticeship HUB
  • Prospects/Connexions
  • Interserve Learning and Employment
  • Leeds City Enterprise Region

This list is not exhaustive and One In A Million Free School is making links, arranging visits, visitors and partnerships all the time in our desire to improve the aspirations and life chances (and options) of our students.