OIAM Streetwise 5-A-Side Football Tournament: The Body Keeps The Score (Sept-Nov 23)

Our latest OIAM Streetwise 5-A-Side Football Tournament continues with the theme, ‘The Body Keeps The Score’. It will run from 15th* September - 17th* November 2023.
(*Days, dates, times vary from hub to hub - see details below).
Enjoy browsing this Streetwise page to find:
- Dates, start times, location centres
- Short themed inspirational films (some devices may take a few seconds to load the film)
- Downloadable themed wallpaper for your mobile phone!
- Tips to improve your physical and mental wellbeing
Streetwise centres, dates, times (CLICK to expand)
Every Friday (15th September - 17th November 2023)
- Titus Salt School, Co-Op Academy Grange, Bradford Academy, BEAP Manningham
Every Monday (18th September - 20th November)
- Beckfoot Oakbank School
Cost: £1 per child per session
To register YOUR TEAM and for all queries email: hellocharity@oneinamillion.org.uk
Players must obey the OIAM 3R’s & 3S’s
Are you getting better every day? Kobe Bryant
Watch more short, themed, films (CLICK to expand)
Presence of Mind by Nike
In the present is where you get things done. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring us or where it will take us. So, TODAY, leave nothing to chance.
The Tale Of Houdini - The Magician
The only locked doors that exist, are in your own mind. The doors in reality are open. All you have to do is walk through. DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF!
Note to Self - Smile (Leah Williamson & Lionesses)
When something good happens, stop. Look around you. SMILE. You deserve it.
You versus You by Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)
Don’t burden your MIND with past failures. Learn from them. The present is where things get done.
Cristiano Ronaldo R7 Fitness Workout
Let's get stronger together. Create a healthy exercise routine with football great, Cristiano!
Download Mobile Phone Wallpapers (CLICK to expand)
Click > Save to camera > Go to settings and add from there.
8 benefits of exercise and sleep (CLICK to expand)
When you’re making bad choices such as:
Poor eating/drinking habits;
Substance abuse;
Not getting enough exercise;
Loss of sleep;
Your body is losing!
The results affect your body and your mental health. It puts you in fight-or-flight mode. When you’re not at your healthiest, you can probably tell.
The good news… improving your health and physical wellbeing can benefit your body, your mind, and your friendships. It can also reduce your;
Risk of anxiety and depression;
Improves sleeping;
Strengthens bones and muscles;
Helps achieve a healthy weight;
Improves the quality of your life;
Increases your chances of living longer!
Now, your body is winning.
The bottom line: The body keeps the score!
Win your mental health with SMART GOALS (CLICK to expand)
The SMART GOALS method provides a way to help you measure your progress and be accountable for your success.
We’ve written some questions and an example of how to apply SMART GOALS to help you.
Always remember, the body keeps the score!