OIAM Streetwise 2019 kicks off with #CutOutKnifeCrime #KnifeFreeCampaign

11th January 2019. One In A Million has themed it’s next Streetwise Football programme #CutOutKnifeCrime #KnifeFreeCampaign. The project will run from Friday 18th January - Friday 22nd March 2019.
#KnifeFreeCampaign is a national intiative supported by the Home Office. 99% of young people in England and Wales live knife free. And, while those that carry often claim to do it to feel safer, carrying a knife can get you into dangerous situations. Even if you can avoid the violence, there are severe emotional, personal and legal consequences that can come from knife carrying. We want to help you make the right decisions. Going knife free takes courage, but the benefits are real. One In A Million are urging the young people of our district to join the millions of others who live knife free. Play your part and join the One In A Million Streetwise programme #CutOutKnifeCrime #KnifeFreeCampaign.
The key messages we will delivering during this campaign will be focused on the following hashtags!
To find your nearest centre. See the Community Hub’s on the flyer below.