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‘Words for Work’ programme with the National Literacy Trust

On Wednesday 13th December 2023, Year 8 students took part in the Words for Work programme through the National Literacy Trust and volunteers from the Vanquis Banking Group.  After learning about different types of communication used within a professional environment, students conducted interviews with Vanquis Banking Group volunteers and then gave group speeches about their career aspirations.  

Student A: "The session helped with confidence. They showed us how to have good body language to help us speak more confidently".

Student B: "I thought it was helpful because it gave me advice about careers and I have now started thinking about the careers I might like".

Student C: “The workshop was really interesting because you got to find out about the volunteers' experience of jobs, find out what they enjoy and don't enjoy about their job. Also, about how they get to socialise with lots of different people”.

A staff member said, "The workshop gave young people confidence in their own abilities and a better understanding of workplace communications and expectations. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience”.

A big thank you to the National Literacy Trust and Vanquis Banking Group for their continued support.