Thank You ‘Action For Sport’ For Adding Value To Our Young People

Since the partnership between One In A Million Charity and One In A Million Free School commenced in December 2021, Action For Sport have now donated sportswear to over 75 students at the school and dozens more out in the wider community through the charities programme.
Year 10 student: “I am a huge Bradford city fan and go to all the games. I’m looking forward to wearing my new trainers to my PE lessons!”.
Year 9 student: “I got a parcel from Mr Brennan before we broke up for Christmas and it was full of sports kit, which made me really happy!”.
Year 7 student: “I can wear the new shorts and tops to my after school enrichment football I go too :)”.
Mark Hughes, of One In A Million, added, “One behalf of both the One In A Million Charity, and School, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Action For Sport for the generous donations they have made to the children and young people, we exist to serve.
There are so many benefits to children and young people participating in sports whilst wearing the correct attire. Sports help build up a child's self-esteem while encouraging them to form friendships that could last a lifetime. Organised sports can also be an excellent learning tool that can teach them life skills such as problem-solving, time management, and goal-setting. However, participating in sports is not without its risks. Therefore, being equipped with the appropriate clothing and footwear are hugely advantageous and adds value to their lives”.