OIAMFS students attend the first ‘Girls in Sport’ careers programme at Bradford College.

On 12th July 12 girls from Yr 9 and Yr 10 attended the first ‘Girls in Sport’ programme at Bradford College. 96 girls from 5 schools across Bradford were in attendance.
The event was delivered to increase girls' awareness and interest in careers in sport. The girls took part in 5 activity sessions led by coaches from a number of sporting settings; Bradford Bulls, Yorkshire Cricket, West Riding CFA. The girls also had the privilege of listening to some guest speakers including Harleen Kaur.
One student said, “Today was the best day. It was great. I enjoyed all the activities, in particular cricket. I would like to complete the cricket coaching course now”.
Other students said, “The dance event at the end was fantastic, and I had a lot of fun, this in particular was my favourite part”, and, “It was a physically beneficial experience. I was able to expand my social skills with other school students from across the city”.
We look forward to participating in the growth of ‘Girls in Sport’ and its programmes in the years ahead!