OIAMFS - ParentPay Lunch Debt Procedure Changes

Dear Parent/Carer,
Our current Lunch Money Policy states:
Any student with arrears of more than £10, are supplied with a sandwich, drink and fruit. They do not have the choice of a hot meal.
Unfortunately, we have had to take the difficult decision to review this policy. From Monday 3rd of June our updated policy will state:
If a student’s ParentPay Account is in arrears over £10 they will be allowed 1 meal on a lend basis from the canteen and telephone call will be made to parent/carers to inform them of this. After this point, and until the debt is cleared, parents/carers must make alternative arrangements for their child(rens)'s lunch as no meals will be provided by school.
To pay for school lunches, please log into your ParentPay account.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, your child may be eligible for free school meals. The link for applications is below. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss any concerns on 01274 723439.
Yours faithfully
Mrs J Hobbs