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Bradford Students Speak - Youth Voice Summit

On Thursday 16th November, 8 student council representatives attended the Bradford Students Speak: Youth Voice Summit on Emotional Well-being. 

The event was an opportunity for students to work together to develop the local Healthy Minds approach for schools (a new peer-led well-being support programme for 2024). The day included a number of workshops. One workshop involved students using data and evidence to gain an understanding of young people’s emotional well-being. The second workshop focused on 'Power and Action'; students using the data to inform new interventions and approaches. 

A further workshop gave students from our school the chance to share (our) good practice and then to learn and be inspired by student-led approaches that have already proven to be effective elsewhere. 

Students also had the pleasure of listening to a question time panel of representatives from a range of services and organisations, including a former OIAMFS student. The panel gave students an opportunity to find out about the ‘mental health and well-being support offer’ that is available for young people in schools across the Bradford District.

One student said, “the day was really fun. I liked working with other schools and finding out key facts about well-being”. 

Another student said, "I enjoyed the trip thoroughly because one speaker talked about the struggles of young people like me. We were also given cool and useful gadgets. I am grateful for being part of the workshop and learning about students' well-being”.

Thank you to the event hosts for looking after us during our time together.