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‘Prison Me No Way!’ Crime and Safety Awareness Day

On Monday 13th November our Yr 10 and 11 students were involved in 'Prison Me No Way' Crime and Safety Awareness Day.

The day involved 5 workshops: Prison Life; Life Sentences; Knife Crime; Choices and Drugs Awareness.

The sessions complemented key aspects of the law, justice and social responsibility and included real-life stories about the impact of prison life and the impact crimes have upon them, their families, victims and future aspirations.

One session also included students visiting a life-size replica and fully furnished prison cell. The cell realistically presented prisoners' living conditions and cell contents. 

The day gave students the opportunity to gain a balanced view on crime and the devastation it has on society, with the outcome of instilling self-belief into students and contributing to them fulfilling their potential and ambitions. 

One student said, "It was good because it was educational and interesting, and it told you about the real world and how to stay safe". 

Another student said, "I learnt a lot about how dangerous prisons are, and it made people think about their decisions, because we learnt that everything could change depending on your decisions today. It couldn't have been better!".

Another student said “I found the day strong and powerful, especially with the true stories and seeing the prison cell!”.

One member of staff said, "the sessions were excellent and informative, with great emphasis on students making the right choices to stay safe".

Another colleague said, "the day has such importance to support students to make the right choices, we need to do it every year to impact all students”. 

Mark Hughes, Trust Member: “Whilst today has been incredibly powerful, perhaps we may never know how many lives were redirected nor be able to truly measure the impact. What we do know is that such exposure reinforces our mission and ethos to promote and prevent, in order to provide our students with the best opportunities for positive outcomes and long-term life aspirations”.